Turning a mess into a message.

Restoration of Hope is a transformative Texarkana ministry dedicated to aiding men in their journey to a renewed life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Marquis Ewings, owner of Big Slice's Place and former resident at Restoration of Hope

Before Restoration of Hope, I had ruined every relationship, lost my family, and felt separated from God. Now, I havefull custody of my two boys, mended relationships, a successful business, a place to stay, and, most importantly, a renewed relationship with Jesus Christ.

Marquis Ewings

Owner, Big Slice's Place
& former resident

Restoration of Hope offers 90-day and 6-month programs that provide tools for successful reintegration for up to 90 men at a time, including:

Restoration of Hope offers 90-day and 6-month programs that provide tools for successful reintegration for up to 90 men at a time, including:

Restoration of Hope is more than just a halfway house; it's an ALL the way house for Jesus.

Our ministry is dedicated to individuals rebuilding their lives after experiencing difficult situations like prison or addiction, offering them a path to a new life through a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. At Restoration of Hope, we believe that by putting Christ first in your daily life, you can overcome any challenges that come your way.

Navigating the complexities of starting anew can be daunting, especially after leaving prison. We provide not just shelter and basic necessities, but a faith-based home where men can embark on a journey of spiritual and personal growth. We offer housing, food, transportation, accountability, and spiritual guidance to create an environment where men can become the individuals God intended them to be.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.”   2 Corinthians 5:17

Our role in reintegration

Unlike prison, which often fails to rehabilitate, we provide a safe and loving environment for men to reintegrate into society. The Stone Foundation’s Restoration of Hope is a place of support and love, where men receive guidance and instruction to become successful contributors to their communities. By empowering them with the love and power of Jesus Christ, we aim to equip individuals with the tools needed for a successful and crime-free life.

Support our work by hiring Restoration of Hope for your next project.

Support our work by hiring Restoration of Hope for your next project.

Former Restoration of Hope resident Sean Minton and his mom

From battling addiction and facing the consequences of my choices, to finding faith and rebuilding relationships, Restoration of Hope provided a foundation for transformation. It’s not just a program; it’s a place where bills are paid, where you don’t have to worry about food, and where simple suggestions open doors to unimaginable possibilities. Today, I am not just sober; I am living a life filled with joy, compassion, and purpose, engaged to be married, and giving back by mentoring others. Restoration of Hope is where lives change, and it’s where I found hope when I thought all was lost.

Shawn Minton

former ROH resident
Pictured with his mom, Jeannie

Support our work.

Your support of The Stone Foundation and Restoration of Hope is an investment in the future of these men, their families, and our community as a whole.