Refuge Home

Restoration of Hope Refuge Home is a comprehensive program dedicated to empowering men who are homeless, veterans, have been incarcerated, or suffer from mental illness.

Our mission is to transform lives, turning a mess into a message of hope and restoration.

At Restoration of Hope, we provide a safe and nurturing environment where men can address their basic needs, including housing, food, and clothing. We also offer employability skills training, helping individuals gain the skills they need to secure meaningful employment. Our program assists participants in obtaining proper documentation and applying for benefits to ensure they have access to the resources they need for success.

Through our program, men have the opportunity to move through a series of steps to become healthy and happy men in our community. We offer spiritual guidance and support, encouraging participants to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our program is voluntary, and participants are given the choice to stay or leave at any time.

There are several ways individuals can help support the work of Restoration of Hope. Donations of basic needs such as hygiene items, food, and clothing are always appreciated. Additionally financial contributions help us continue to provide essential services and support to those in need.

Join in our mission to empower men to be healthy, productive citizens in our community. Together, we can make a difference and restore hope to those who need it most.

Life at Restoration of Hope

Preparation to Rebuild

  • Assist men in developing a reentry plan focused on housing, employment, and support services.
  • Provide counseling and resources to address mental health and substance abuse issues.
  • Offer spiritual guidance and mentorship to prepare for life outside of incarceration.

Transitional Housing & Support

  • Provide temporary housing in a supportive environment.
  • Offer case management services to help navigate community resources.
  • Assist in securing stable housing and addressing basic needs.

Life Skills & Job Training

  • Provide workshops and classes on financial literacy, communication, and conflict resolution.
  • Offer vocational training and job readiness programs.
  • Assist in finding employment and developing career goals.

Community Integration

  • Facilitate connections with community organizations and support groups.
  • Encourage involvement in volunteer opportunities and civic engagement.
  • Provide ongoing support and counseling to navigate challenges.

Empowerment & Growth

  • Offer continued spiritual guidance and mentorship.
  • Provide opportunities for personal development and goal setting.
  • Celebrate successes and milestones in the journey to becoming a successful community member.

Through this program, Restoration of Hope aims to empower men who are homeless, veterans, have been incarcerated, or are dealing with mental health issues to find hope, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives, ultimately becoming successful members of society.

At Restoration of Hope, we understand the challenges men face when starting anew.

Restoration of Hope is a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to providing a comprehensive refuge for men who have been homeless, who are veterans, who have been incarcerated, and who suffer from mental illness, empowering them to transition to a life of purpose and fulfillment through the teachings of Jesus.

Our purpose is to empower men to find hope and transformation by addressing their essential needs, providing spiritual guidance, and offering life skills grounded in their relationship with Jesus. Through our programs, we aim to create a nurturing environment where men can grow, thrive, and become meaningful contributors to their communities.

Restoration of Hope's residential treatment program provides the following services:

A typical weekday schedule at Restoration of Hope

A typical weekday schedule at Restoration of Hope

A typical weekday schedule at Restoration of Hope

Ready to reclaim your life? Apply for our residential program today.

I am honored to be part of something greater than myself, and it's very humbling. God is doing a mighty work through Restoration of Hope, both in this program and within myself. While I can't claim to have been sober for all four years, I've learned that it's not about how many times you fall but how you get back up. God has used my falls to make me stronger, equipping me for the journey.

I am honored to be part of something greater than myself, and it's very humbling. God is doing a mighty work through Restoration of Hope, both in thae program and within myself. While I can't claim to have been sober for all four years, I've learned that it's not about how many times you fall but how you get back up. God has used my falls to make me stronger, equipping me for the journey.