
Our Vision

But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you.

We understand the challenges that men face as they begin their new life. We are not a halfway house, we are an ALL they way house for Jesus. Restoration of Hope knows that with putting Jesus first daily, He will carry us through any struggles we face in trying to live in a hopeless world. Jesus gives us hope in a hopeless place.

Restoration of Hope will provide a faith based home for men to begin their new life. We will provide all their essential needs such as housing, food, transportation, accountability and spiritual guidance. Restoration of Hope provides love and support in helping men in becoming the men of God they were created to be. Restoration of Hope helps these men first develop a daily structure putting Christ at the center. Once you develop a solid relationship with Christ, the next step is employment, restoring family relationships, basic financial planning and whatever other needs that each individual may have. Most importantly we help men achieve hope by developing life skills that are empowered by their relationship with Jesus Christ.